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Cultivating Inner Resilience

The Remarkable Growth of My Strength Within.

My inner strength keeps growing.

Each day I become wiser and more resilient. My inner strength keeps growing. My mind, heart, and spirit are very powerful.

I build up my confidence and abilities by tackling challenges. Small successes teach me that I can handle more. I stretch my skills by aiming for strategic goals. I pick targets that test my abilities and give me victories.

I engage in continuous learning. I read books and sign up for courses online. I talk with experts and open myself up to new experiences.

I dare to be vulnerable. I share my feelings and allow others to know me. I ask for help when I need it. Accepting my weaknesses makes me stronger.

I practice patience. I am willing to postpone immediate gratification and focus on my long-term needs. I think about my future self and the consequences of my decisions.

I summon up my courage. I speak up for what I believe in.

I surround myself with family, friends, and colleagues who encourage me and give me constructive feedback. I listen with an open mind. I thank them for their guidance and support.

I connect with the divine. My faith gives me peace and perspective. I turn to prayer and meditation when I need a boost.

Today, I celebrate my inner strength. If I stumble, I lift myself back up. I face my hardships and keep moving forward.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are 3 qualities I associate with inner strength?

2. Why am I stronger today than I was yesterday?

3. What choice can I make right now that will enhance my inner strength?

Take a moment to introspect and consider the following questions. Your thoughts and reflections matter, and I invite you to share them with me. I genuinely want to understand where you are on your journey and how I can be a support to you.

Feel free to send me your responses – let's connect and navigate this path together.

~To Your Health

Tara Ivins


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