Following up on my email earlier this week. If you didn't get a chance to read it, be sure to check it out. Medicine isn’t the only way to fight inflammation. Your diet plays a HUGE role too. Learn more about what you can do to stay healthy.
Think about it: When you eat are you fueling the flame or nourishing your body?
Discover how to nourish your body by eating the Anti-Inflammation.
Eat to Avoid or Lessen Chronic Inflammation
1. Think REAL, fresh whole foods. A program with specific anti-inflammation vegetables, fruit, seeds, legumes, nuts, lean protein.
2. Consume more produce. Plant products contain phytochemicals that promote tissue repair. Aim for at least 5 servings a day of vegetables and fruits.
3. Minimize processed foods. Refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and saturated
fats have the opposite effect. Drink water instead of soda. Trade-in white rice and pasta for quinoa and chickpea pasta
4. Go fish. Fatty fish is loaded with heart-friendly Omega-3 fatty acids. Good choices include salmon, mackerel, and trout.
5. Spice it up. Give your salt shaker a rest. Experiment with a wide range of spices famous for their anti-inflammatory properties. Browse your grocer’s spice section for turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon. Grow your own garlic.
6. Consider supplements. While it’s preferable to acquire most of your vitamins and minerals from food, supplements can fill in certain deficiencies. For example, fish oil can provide Omega-3’s if you’re a vegan or just don’t like the taste of sardines.
More Anti-Inflammation Practices
1. Watch your weight. Experts debate whether obesity causes inflammation or if
it’s the other way around. Whatever the case, the two conditions are closely
linked. Shedding excess pounds often relieves arthritis pain and other symptoms.
2. Measure your waist. The way your weight is distributed counts too because
abdominal fat triggers tissue damage. The general guidelines for waist measurements are 35 inches or less for women and 40 for men.
3. Move more. Physical activity promotes weight loss and inhibits inflammation.
Even gentle exercise like walking is effective.
4. Floss regularly. Your teeth and gums affect your whole body because the
bacteria in your mouth can travel through your blood. Brushing and flossing
each day gives you much more than a pretty smile. Dental hygiene protects your
heart and other organs.
5. Manage stress. Maybe there’s a connection between your smartphone that
makes you available 24/7 and chronic inflammation that doesn’t know when to
shut itself off. Make relaxation a priority. Use your vacation days and unwind
with daily meditation or a warm bath.
6. Be patient. While anti-inflammatory medications often relieve symptoms
immediately, lifestyle changes take longer to yield results. It may take a few
days to see the first results, and several weeks or months to achieve dramatic
progress. The bonus is that there will be no adverse side effects.
Fight disease while you enjoy a healthy diet. Anti-inflammation eating is a lifestyle
a choice that can help you lead a longer and more active life, especially when you
combine good nutrition with other positive habits like regular exercise and good quality sleep.
H ey Following up on my email earlier this week. If you didn't get a chance to read it, be sure to check it out. Medicine isn’t the only way to fight inflammation. Your diet plays a s a a a ent patterns or restart at the right, lasting place fort Help With Achieving Pain-Free living
If you’ve tried all the diets and trends… and you’re still not happy with the results or able to sustain your results, it might be time to dig a little deeper. My coaching program is individually designed to help my clients set and achieve goals and build new habits. I offer the right kind of support to help my clients make lifestyle and behavior changes that are critical to their health, based on bio-individuality.